Monday, February 06, 2006


Stumbling up into my room before dawn to pass out, I realized how great it was to be back. I’d been on the road more or less for 8 whole weeks, traversing six countries on two continents (seven if you count Wales) and living out of my backpack the entire time. So the travel period was over and it was back into the daily Accra life for the next three and-a-half months. Now, it was worrying about classes and trying to get back in a groove, a new one in which I had my own space and could finally relax and grow some roots. I also had to start meeting all of the new kids, who over the last three weeks had come and settled in.

I don’t know when I’ll get the chance to travel and explore as I did over the last two months, but I’m looking forward to it. If I can muster up enough spare cash, I would love to travel across other parts of Africa, like the South and East. Or if my Arabic improved enough, perhaps North Africa and the near Middle East, from Morocco, through Egypt, Israel, Lebanon and Turkey? What about Asia? Or more of Europe? Imagine taking the Trans-Siberian Railway across the Russia. I haven't even been to Winnipeg yet!

Who knows? Even if I spend the rest of my life trapped in a cubicle pushing paper (God forbid), I’ll always have the memories of French West Africa, the UK and Ireland. I like to think that I spent that eight weeks productively, considering all of the stories I have, and I know that I’ll remember them for a long time to come.

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