Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Postman Always... Forgets Where Your Package Is

I love getting mail.

There's really no other way to put it. I check my mailbox all the time in hope of getting something from home. Thankfully, Maleaha and Grandma Betty send me letters often and I send them postcards and letters back at them as well.

However, for all of its wonders, the Ghanaian postal system still has a ways to go in improving itself. Case in point: My parents sent me a small package (smaller than a shoebox) in mid-September. I noticed that by the end of the year, it still had not arrived. My mom called Canada Post to track its progress. Instead, they sent her a cheque for the amount it was insured for. Sounds promising, no?

Just this last Monday, I got a flood of mail (oh happy day!). A postcard (of Canada) and greeting card from Maleaha and two slips for packages that were being held at various post offices around the city (quoi?).

For the first, I went to the Legon Post Office. Guess what they had? The package that had been sent five months ago! Thankfully, all edible goods contained within were non-perishable (gummy bears, peanut butter, jello packets and Mr. Noodles) and quite delicious.

For the second, I went all the way to Kwame Nkrumah Circle to a giant building (file that one under "hideous monstrosities") and dealt with a comically surly clerk, who charged me 10,000 cedi ($1.25 CDN) to pick it up. I was amazed to find that Geoffy, bless his heart, had sent me a birthday gift! (I'll get you for this... KRAUTAAAAAIR!)

For receiving my first two packages in six months of being here, I've been quite happy. And the offer is still on the table: send me something and I'll send a flood of postcards back atcha.

Hence, why I love mail.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I thought I'd getcha back on domestic footing! Enjoy the book...And the shirt. You should wear it around Accra, just to solicit mystified reactions.