Monday, February 20, 2006


Back when I started this wild and crazy adventure last August, I had serious problems trying to see nine months ahead. Frankly, it freaked me out and was a major reason for being with Maleaha for Christmas. I just couldn't see myself spending nine months in a place like Ghana away from loved ones and the life I once knew. I started counting the months, marking each one passed as a sort of medal of honour...

Now I'm over six months into my tour of duty and I've realized that I now have less than three months left before I fly back to Markham. That means less than three months left to see and experience all of the things I have been craving for and to learn about this side of the world. This semester is shaping to be going quite well. Class-wise, I'm taking:

Elementary Arabic (again) - Suddenly, we're cramming so much more in so little time
Development of the Arabic Language - Can't put down history... or developement for that matter.
Colonialism and the African Response: Nationalism and Independence - Or as I like to call it, "The Empire Strikes Out".
Africa and the Global System - It's, uh, politics. At 7:30 in the morning.
Working With Persons With HIV/AIDS - This class is interesting as much for the course content as it is for understanding just how little students know about the disease and treating it... and these are 4th year social work majors!
Cultures and Societies of Africa - It's nice to hear that Ghanaians really are crazy - from a Ghanaian professor.

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