Thursday, March 16, 2006

I've Been Everywhere, Man

So I arrived on campus tonight at about 8PM from my tour of the North. At this point, I've seen every region of Ghana (even if I was mostly passing through the Upper East) and have been to all of the places that I've wanted to see since I arrived. It might be a bit pompous to say it, but I've pretty much seen it all and I'm ready to go home!

I've booked my flight and I leave Africa on May 12, 2006 and arrive in Toronto the next afternoon. Ya heard!

So I've got 56 days left (Lisa, who is on my flight, has been counting the days religiously) and for me, it's a bonus round. I've got classes to attend, exams to study for and write and will spend most of my weekends seeing small things I have missed or revisiting some of my favourite haunts.

I'm quite excited to be going home. After seven months down and under two ahead, I can see the light of the tunnel quite well and am very excited to be coming home. After being away from it for so long, I've realized how important it is (long wistful entry to follow). I've got to get back to my life, my school, my family, my friends and to Maleaha - all of which I've been missing terribly. So, we'll see how the next two months go. Should be a doozy, my great-grandmother would probably say...

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