Monday, January 30, 2006

Day 5: A Change Of Season

The night was bitterly cold. And that’s saying something. Nights in the desert are extremely frigid, because the land doesn’t absorb the heat. Thus, it’s not uncommon for the temperature to change 20 or 30 degrees Celsius in a few hours. So while the temperature may be 15 degrees overnight, it will feel like only a few degrees above zero to you.

The latest rumour was that we would arrive tonight. We were so excited that we barely touched the rice plate. Only dates and gateau for me, thank you! (Of course it didn’t arrive on time, because we’re in AFRICA) I noticed a change in the landscape, too. Rather than the dry sahel we had been used to, the surrounding area was becoming increasingly desert-like. We also had our biggest wildlife encounter yet: a hippo in the river! We must be close…

My latest book was the post 9/11 immigrant story Brick Lane, by Monica Ali. I thought it gave some interesting insights into Bangladeshi and Muslim society, although I could see the book easily being adapted into a “chick flick”. After a bread and gateau dinner, I went up to the roof, brought The Tragically Hip’s “Trouble at the Henhouse” and watched the stars. Truly a Canadian cottage moment.

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