Saturday, December 03, 2005

Everybody Come Look At My Beard!

So here's me after not shaving for over a month. Not bad, eh? It took a little while, but it came in pretty well. I've been getting comparisons to Ryan Gosling of The Notebook and Jesus Christ, (from both my roommate AND my girlfriend... weird) so at least I look like someone famous!

I figure that I should work on it while I'm out here, since I'm lazy about hygiene in Ghana anyways. Plus, I've got a long way to go if I'm going to get a beard like my dad! Something tells me I'll come up short on that end...(sidenote: I've since shaven it for the moment)

Also of note: check me out drinking a bag of water(or "sachet" if you want to sound intellectual). Before we came, we were told to ONLY drink bottled water, but they're almost a dollar and these things are five cents a piece. The key is to only drink ones with the Ghana Board of Standards stamp of approval. That's your guide to not getting typhoid (which someone I know did and apparently it really bites).


Anonymous said...

oh my god mike... i never thought that you could pull it off... but in a while you'll be able to get your girl with the memory loss, and continue telling her the story of how you bagged her.

anyways, it does look good man. i wish i could do that, but we have this thing called hygenic standards at the bar. i dont think a jesus-like tony would go well.

i hope you're keeping that for ireland. i also hopes maleaha digs it.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, very nice, young Padawan! *insert airport security joke here*
Up with beards, down with the yellow fever.
I'll try and catch ya with an email before you leave.


Mr. Obruni said...

Sorry, Anthony... I shaved it! But it'll be back. That's the great thing about facial hair, eh?

Krauter: Do you think that If we both had beards it would give our band a "gimmick", like ZZ Top or Kings of Leon (whose gimmick apparently is to look as haggard as possible)?