Friday, December 23, 2005

People's Republic of Cork/A Whole Lotta Blarney

So we're here for only two days and suddenly Anthony is taking us out for a "weekend trip", as he calls it whenever he has a few days off from bartending in the trendy/touristy "Temple Bar" area of Dublin. So we hopped a bus to the city of Cork in the Southwest (does this process sound familiar to you all?)...

The ride, it being my first encounter with the Irish countryside, was beautiful. Small fields divided by old stone walls and small hedges, some with old country houses, some with sheep - just like I had imagined. The only thing I couldn't believe was that despite the fact that it was a few days until Christmas, everything was so... green.

They don't call it the Emerald Isle for nothing.

Cork is quite the splendid little city. It's over a millenia old, but it has a healthy mix of old and new. Somehow, it got named the "European Capital of Culture" and is really showing itself off this year. Methinks there's a load of EU money sprucing up the place.

We wandered into the Bru hostel and bar (brilliant combination), which was pretty sweet, and got a room for a song. Check yourself in there if you're ever in town - you won't be disappointed. We spent the rest of the day wandering about and Anthony and I spent the evening pub-crawling. All's I can say from that evening is I'd like to thank Bulmer's Cider, Burger King and the good folks of Cork Country for an excellent night out.

The next day, we took the bus to nearby Blarney Castle, home of the infamous Blarney Stone. The town of Blarney (the name, basically Gaelic for "bullcrap") was quaint and picturesque (definitely a reoccuring theme here), the castle was amazing and the stone was... awkward. I haven't kissed anything that cold since high school. *ba-dum-ching!* But seriously, folks... the castle was explorable and the surrounding grounds made for a pleasant walk. There were ancient caves and a Druid stone circle. It was definitely like being like in medieval times (the period, not the restaurant). I don't think I've ever been in a real castle before!

We took it easy for the rest of the trip. Some drinks, some pizza, some walking around town. Nothing too crazy. Another night, morning and bus ride later and now we're back in Dublin. Suddenly it's two days before Christmas and we're making plans for the big day. I'm stoked...

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