Monday, March 27, 2006

No Meat No Fish - Or I Die

Speaking of chicken, I really don't eat much meat in Ghana. There are a few reasons, notably:

1. Most of the Carleton kids here are vegetarians or former vegans, so we often end up going to restaurants that accommodate as such.
2. The chicken is either stringy or has the flu. "Free range chicken" means "the ones walking around picking at the garbage all day".
3. The fish is narsty, at least most kinds are. I just likes me halibut, plain and simple.
4. The beef - well, there isn't really beef, except at nice restaurants. And goat just doesn't turn my crank.

So basically, eating meat hasn't been high on my priorities. After so many months, Ive gotten used to either going to the vegetarian joint for dinner or ordering the vegetarian option to not offend my friends. (They never do get offended, but something tells me eating bacon in front of them probably wouldn't increase their comfort level...)

In addition, it's cheaper to not eat meat and as long as I get my protein, who cares? It really sends the average Ghanaian for a loop. For the first few months, we'd say "no meat, no fish", so of course they'd give us chicken. Now it's "no meat, no fish, or else I die!", which usually works better.

When I go home, I'll probably be more conscious of what I eat and go for the chick peas or tofu once in a while. However, until they make a convincing substitute for a ten-ounce Alberta beef steak, I'll always be prey to my own carnivorous tendencies.

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