Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Leaving London

The morning I left was how the French say "horrible"... kinda like the way the English say it too. Maleaha came with me to the airport and we had a very teary-eyed goodbye.

The plane ride was great, materially. I got to see the hills of France, snow-capped Atlas peaks of Algeria, the many faces of the Sahara - with movies, food and free drinks aplenty. But I felt like junk the entire way back.

Could you blame me? I had three fantastic weeks with the woman I have been missing terribly for four months. In Ghana, I learned to live a sort of "single life" and tried to do my own thing and although Maleaha and I wrote to each other often and chatted on the internet as well, I knew that I had forgotten how alive I felt being with her. Life is just so much more - colourful, living it with her. Our reluctance to leave each other this time around is a testament to how much we depend on each other, indeed.

But I still have a mission to complete: Burkina, Mali and one last semester in Accra. I know now that I can do it, because I've already made it over halfway, going uphill is harder than downhill and the second time around it's always faster.

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