Monday, November 21, 2005

Those Spoiled Americans...

(Note: I've updated some posts retroactively, so check the last two weeks for new ones)

Damn Yankees! First they get these neat programs where they have directors in Ghana and get oriented by them, have their administrative work done for them (upcoming post: The Ghana Immigration Office - Hell on Earth?) and enjoy their high dollar and fellow American roommates.

Now they've found another way to one-up us Canadians... despite the fact that almost every one of them is only staying for one semester, it seems like all of their parents are coming to Ghana to visit them!

What gives? They're only gone for about four months, they live the easy life and party all the time, but somehow mommy and daddy just HAVE to come and see them, put them up in fancy hotels while they're here and make sure they're all tucked in at night, so the boogeyman Kwame Nkrumah won't get them (Geoff will get that one, I know it). To put this into perspective, the Carleton group (plus Mel and Esther from Brock) is here for the entire school year and our parents laugh at the idea of coming to Africa. Heck, I have to meet my girlfriend halfway just to see her! (Note: I love you very much and am very glad to be able to spend Christmas with you.)

Anyways, I don't have an ideological bent against the Americans or the fact that they're getting to share their awesome experiences with their family, but seriously - where's the cosmic justice in it?


Anonymous said...

Jeeze Mike, maybe if you had just gone for one semester (like we wanted)then we would have come to visit and put YOU up in a swanky hotel for our stay. And pigs might fly in a V-shaped formation as the snowballs piled up in hell, but hey, you'll never know. You poor unloved Canucks...

Anonymous said...

well dude, id love to come and visit you. but i guess we've got that figured out.

and HEY, my moms coming to see me! but i guess im not gonna be in a swanky hotel for that one.

oh say can you see?!??!?!?!.....

ugh i feel so dirty


Mr. Obruni said...

Mom - I've never felt as special as I do now. I'll make sure to send home a nice big lump of Ghanaian coal for the holidays.

Anthony - glad to hear your mom is showing the love. It's only another $750 CAN to get to Ghana!